Your Other Errogenous Zones

  • ears (a love bite on the earlobes? a kiss--with his tongue swirling inside)
  • eyelids (sensuous when sealed gently with fingertips or a gentle kiss)
  • neck (can be nuzzled or lightly stroked -- as you would pet a purring pussycat)
  • waist (meant to be encircled in an embrace)
  • hollow in front of pelvic bone (the welcome pressure of his weight there)
  • hollow of small of back ( a butterfly kiss here, and a wisp-caress or deep massage)
  • inside of arm (can be covered with kisses or gentle bites)
  • hollow in palm of hand (a cup to receive his kisses, or a sexy palm reading)
  • fingertips (to meet his fingertips, or travel fickly over his entire flesh)
  • navel (one soft kiss with his tongue)
  • thighs (to enclose a lover's flanks, or face, or to receive a tender stroking)
  • buttocks (cupped, patted, gently rubbed)
  • toes (meant to be tickled, or sucked)
  • bottom of feet (another testing place to tickle)
  • back of the knees (touch here, lighter than a butterfly's wings)
  • Fingertip caresses excite a partner a lot, while palm caresses stimulate the one who strokes and pets.

In the nude, the ultimate caress is for your nude bodies to touch ever so lightly at as few points as possible. The more localized the sensation, the more thrilling power. To prove: Rub your hand hard, quickly, several times. Now take a fingertip and move slowly over the palm. You'll find it much more tingly. Now grab your partner.

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